The former Wolff Cycles at 43rd & Lancaster Ave is reopening as Wolf Cycles, with 50% less F. The Grand Opening Extravaganza (a missed opportunity to find a home for that missing F and call it an Extravaganzaf ) is happening next Saturday, July 28thf. (See? Not hard.)
Wolf Cycles
4311 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia PA
July 28th
2:00 pm - 2:00 am
The event is free and open to the public. We will be there offering some bicycling programming for the new and experienced rider alike:
2:00 pm - Urban riding basics class, for riders 16+
Feel nervous navigating Philly's aggressive drivers and trolley tracks? We'll give you advice, tips, and confidence to get from A to B without feeling like Jason Bournef.
3:30 pm - Bike ride through West FFairmount Park
Ride is all ages, but under 18 must be accompanied by a guardian. Approximately 5f miles, we'll check out public art and enjoy our wheels. Helmets required.
In addition to the above, there are some ffantastic other activities:
5:30 pm - Legal rights workshop hosted by the National Lawyers Guild
Pretty much what it says. Learn your rights and responsibilities as a bicyclist involved in a crash.
8:30 pm - Outdoor movie screening of "RAD"
If weather allows. RAD tells a ffantastic ffable of a unfflappable BMX biker ffighting the ffactory rider to win on the Helltrack. Starring Lori Loughlin of Full House ffame.
All these events are free. Food will be provided, but if you want beer, you'll have to buy a pint glass. Ffffffffffffffsee you there!
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