
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Join The Congressional Phone Call Effort Today To Help Save Funding For Bicycling and Walking

A small group of House and Senate leaders are still negotiating on the final transportation bill right now. The window is closing fast on our last real chance to impact the bill. It's all in their hands—whether or not our local communities will have access to funds to build biking and walking infrastructure—and we need your help.

Today, people around the country will call congressional offices and make our priorities clear. Can you take a moment today to call your Senators and Representatives and let them know that the transportation conference committee must preserve the bipartisan Cardin-Cochran agreement? This agreement ensures that communities will have access to funds to build biking and walking infrastructure.

Here's how to call:

1. Check out the profile on your senators and your representative using the America Bikes state and district resources pages.

2. Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Express your support, as a voter and a taxpayer, for local communities' ability to build biking and walking infrastructure. Or use the script below to ask your elected officials to preserve the Cardin-Cochran agreement.

Hi, my name is [name] and I live in [city/town].

I’m calling to ask Representative/Senator [name] to support the bipartisan Cardin-Cochran agreement in the transportation conference committee. The agreement ensures that local governments have access to funds to build bikeways and sidewalks.

Americans support federal funding for biking and walking. In a March 2012 poll, 83 percent of Americans said they support maintaining or increasing federal funding for biking and walking. That includes 88 percent of Democrats and 80 percent of Republicans.

These projects are important to my community. (
Mention a local project you know about, or use some of the facts from your state (NJ, PA) or district profile.)

Please support the Cardin-Cochran agreement so that [your city/town] can build projects important to our community.

3. Repeat for all three of your congressional representatives.

4. Use the America Bikes tip sheet to report back on anything you learn in your call.

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